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I-Ideal in the Structure of Human World Outlook /


Among all kinds of an ideal only I-ideal has a specific ideal regulative potential because the ideal has an object within itself. Being formed from the very moment of realizing oneself a human being the I-ideal is a basis for self-education, self-esteem and self-respect. The I-ideal acts like a filter between real life and deep impulses and reactions on external influence. The I-ideal contains spiritual values that have been acquired by a human being. Following the I-ideal a human being gains a sensation of freedom that becomes essential for him/her. The strategy of bringing-up and ideological constructions should be formed on the appeal to the I-ideal.

About the Author

A. A. Majitov
Belarusian National Technical University


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For citations:

Majitov A.A. I-Ideal in the Structure of Human World Outlook /. Science & Technique. 2005;(3):70-76. (In Russ.)

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